Before I post any questions, ideas, postulations and "what ifs", I want to let everyone who comes here to know the purpose of this Blog. Like the title suggests, this blog is a COMPLETELY open theological discussion blog for everyone and about anything that wants/needs to be discussed.
Point 1: The fact is, everyone has a theology whether you know it or not. No matter what you believe ABOUT god(s) the truth is that you indeed believe SOMETHING about god(s). (For example, if you believe God exists, if you dont believe God exists, or if you believe you can't know if God exists or not; they key is you still believe SOMETHING about God's existence and your side of the matter NEEDS and SHOULD be discussed.)
Point 2: Theology is important. Theology is often considered frivilous and tirersome but the truth is that it deals with so many key issues. The meaning of life, creation, after-life, salvation, ethics, etc. are so greatly developed through theology that one cannot simply ignore theology.
Point 3: I want to make it as clear as possible that i literally mean everyone who wants to join in may: Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jew, Muslim, Pluralist, Scientologist, w.e. This needs to be critically understood because for a truly effective theology to be developed by any one person, he/she needs to be able to experience and better understand OTHER WORLDVIEWS aside from their own. This can tend to become extremely difficult for many of us as we often think that the way we interpret "insert here" is how everyone else interprets the same idea. However, the fact of the matter is that every one of us comes into ideas with several presuppositions based on where we live, how we grew up, what friends we had, etc. Therefore, a major point of this blog is to encourage eachother and question our presuppositions with the intent to develop a more open world view and hopefully devolop much stronger theologies.
With the above considered, I need it to be understood that I (and other eventual moderators) will not tolerate any form of biogatry or slander WHATSOEVER. There is no place for that in our world let alone a blog discussing such a complicated and meaningful worldview as theology. It is stupid, immature, and flat out ignorant. Furthermore, (and i know this is not completely avoidable with blogs) please avoid any form of harrassament or insult in any argument you present or defend. The purpose of this blog is to have intelligent, mature conversation over theology--not to see who can come up with the best comeback line. So please, be respectful and openminded and I hope everyone who participates with this blog in either conversation or observation will learn from it.
10 years ago
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